Promo codes are entered when you are ready to checkout and will deduct a specific dollar amount from your order total.
Passcodes and discount codes give you access to tickets made available during a special sale or at a special price. These are entered before viewing and selecting available tickets.
Enter your passcode to view available tickets.
- Sign into your My Account.
- Select your event and navigate to the ticket search.
- Select the Unlock button next to the Filters button and enter your code to see the available seats.
- Select your tickets and continue to checkout.
Enter your promo code at check out to apply discount from your total.
To use your promo code, follow these steps:
- Sign into your My Account.
- Select the event and select your seats.
- Select Next.
- Select + Add Credits / Promo Codes / Gift Cards.
- Enter your Promo Code and select Apply.
Discount codes, promo codes or passcodes can't be applied when purchasing resale tickets.
Ensure the code hasn’t expired and that the terms of the offer are met. Remember, promo codes are entered at checkout. Offer passcodes and discount codes are entered before viewing and selecting your tickets.
If you still have questions, contact Fan Support.
Codes can't be applied over the phone or to existing orders.