If an event is canceled, no action is required to obtain a refund. It will be processed to the original method of payment used at time of purchase as soon as funds are received from the Event Organizer. It should appear on your account within 14-21 days (exceptions include MLB games and the US Open). Different rules apply to transfer and resold tickets (and some others). Refer to your email notification for your available options.
You can find a comprehensive list of events with status and scheduling changes on our Event Status Update page.
In some instances, the Event Organizer may give you the option to request a refund, or choose between a refund or a credit. If this happens, we’ll notify you of those options.
If you purchased tickets at the venue’s box office to an event that has now been canceled, you can choose your refund options in person 30 days after the Event Organizer approves funds. For the latest box office information, search for the venue on Ticketmaster.ca and select Venue Info.
For more information, please see our Purchase Policy.